A Sneak Peak Into a Food Blogger Life

Everyone out there who are jealous about Food Bloggers and envy the different dishes they get to eat at various restaurants without having to pay or at a discount. It is NOT about the free food. It is about the restaurant investing in us for their benefit. It is an advantage for the restaurant because by spending a little, they get a lot of advertisement and publicity. They become popular on social media and many people get to know about the restaurant. Our followers become their regular customers.
1. We need to master Time Management. We have to keep switching between our personal life, work life and Blogging. We can’t accept each and every invite. We need to think whether we will be able to do the review and justice to it. Due to Studies or work load, many reviews are still pending for most bloggers. Some places even call and ask us the reason if it’s not put up within a week or so. We need to sit up late night or stay back at home on weekends to complete.

2. A lot of effort goes into blogging. Each Review takes at least 2-3 hours. That’s a single post. Imagine for 4-5 posts we need one whole day. It’s not easy publishing a blog post or even a Zomato Review. We have to do research about the restaurant and read what others have to say. Photos need to be cropped, brightness edited and also watermarked. We need to pen down our thoughts in Perfect English.

3. Some restaurants invite us expecting a good rating. Inspite of poor service and pathetic food, we avoid writing negative comments about it because of the request by the person organising the food Bloggers Meet Up. Even though we are completely honest in all our reviews that are based on true personal experience, we skip the bad ones and those are not reviewed many times. For anyone else who go as a normal customer, eat, pay and leave need not stress out about what they write online about the restaurant.

4. Yes of course invites are fun. But It’s better to relax and enjoy the meal with family or friends when you go on your own without any obligations of clicking photos etc. We are always thinking about the food, Ambience and service and what we can write apart from giving feedback and suggestions as well.

5. Traveling far distances in heavy traffic is another difficulty.

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